Magnetic tape is slowly becoming popular and important to every modern household and even in offices or warehouses.
Self-adhesive magnetic tape and strips are great in holding items in place by providing a magnetic pull without the inconvenience of damaging the surface they are attached to. They can also be easily moved and repositioned because of their size and flexibility.
What’s more awesome is that you can stick magnetic tape to all kinds of material like wood, steel, glass, and even whiteboards and memo boards. Here are five fun DIY ways to make your life a little bit more magnetic:
Refrigerator Pencil Holder
If you can leave notes, drawings, and whiteboards on refrigerators, where do you put your writing/drawing materials?
You can use the tape for your pencil holder or metal can, attach it to the refrigerator, and you have your own fridge stationery. It’s great for pens, crayons, markers, or even drinking straws.
Garage Storage
It can be tricky to work on your car and suddenly lose track of where you put your torque wrench. Or when you’re in a rush to fix your light switch, and you can’t find your screwdriver in your toolbox.
To make it easier for you, try letting your tools breathe and store them where you can immediately spot them.
Stick some magnetic tape on your walls or anywhere in your garage and let your tools hang. No more losing track and no more confusion. Just make sure to place your tools up high where no child can reach them.
Bobby Pin Holder
Every woman knows the struggle of being in a hurry and needing to get exactly one bobby pin but then getting more. The way they tangle with each other can sometimes get so frustrating.
To solve this bobby pin problem, simply put a magnetic strip tape in your drawer and line them up. It will look neater and more organized.
You won’t also have to deal with bobby pins being found in weird places inside your house, like under the table, near your sink, or in your bed.
Magnetic Filter for Your PC
Even tech guys can get into the magnetic tape scene. Every PC master race owner knows the struggle of dust accumulation. But did you know that you could also make your own magnetic dust filter? You simply need some cheap dust filters and your trusty magnetic tape.
Surround the filter’s perimeter with magnetic tape and attach it to the metal chassis of your system unit.
Mosquito Net for Your Window
Mosquitoes and all kinds of bugs are always a problem in Australia. That’s why mosquito nets are a must for your windows.
If you don’t have one installed, you don’t have to worry because, with just a cheap mosquito net, little steel clips, and some magnetic tape, you can protect your house from harmful bugs.
Simply cut a big enough mosquito net to fit your window, attach magnetic tape to your window’s perimeter, and use the little steel clips to seal the net against the window.
You even won’t have to worry about rust, and you can easily detach the mosquito net whenever you please. Just remember to use steel clips or other small metals and not magnets because magnets will have the tendency to repel each other.
Magnetic Tape for Everyone
The possibilities are endless with magnetic tapes and strips, both in uses and the user. The list only features some of the interesting and unexpected ones. So why not get one now! You know you need a little magnet in your life.