DNA dog testing has become quite popular amongst most dog owners, who are becoming interested in learning more about the history of their puppy, their genetics, health, possible likes, and dislikes.
There are many at-home dog DNA test kits that dog owners can use in carrying out their dog’s DNA test irrespective of breed and obtain all the vital information they need to find out about them.
Carrying out the DNA test
Dog DNA tests are always done utilizing cells gotten from either the dog’s cheeks or their gums. The preferred brush is usually included in the DNA test kit from https://www.orivet.com/ which makes it easier. It was also advisable to wait till the puppy is three weeks old before carrying out the test on them. Here is a detailed procedure on how to go about the process.
Step-by-Step guide
- No food for an hour before the time
The first thing the dog owner would want to do is ensure the dog does not eat or drink anything for at least an hour before the sample has to be collected.
- Testing multiple puppies
If the test has to be carried out on more than one puppy, make sure to keep them in isolation, and even their toys if shared for the next 1 hour before the samples have to be collected. Also, make sure the puppies do not have any food 1 hour before collecting the sample.
For dogs, it is important to get one sample and wash hands after collecting one dog’s sample before going to collect the next one.
- Removing the brush
Open the brush sleeve through the arrow and take it out using its handle. This process has to be done carefully to avoid infecting it hence wear a pair of gloves before carrying on.
- Always label
After collecting the sample from one in case of multiple testing, it is always important to label the brush after collecting with the dog’s name to avoid any mix-up. Labeling is often a neglected stage but it has enormous benefits.
Collecting the sample
To collect the sample for testing, always position the head of the bristle in-between the dog’s gum and cheek, and then gently press their cheek outwardly while turning the brush back and forth. Make sure to do this for at least 15 seconds to correctly collect the saliva.
After collecting the sample
After collecting the DNA sample from the orivet.com kit, always wave the brush in the air so it can dry off. Do this process for 20 seconds to ensure it fully dries off.
Insert brush back into the sleeve
Always repeat steps 5 and 6 for every unused brush on a new dog or if the process is being repeated for the same dog. Always try to use many brushes for accurate results – some test kits always recommend 3 brushes per dog.
Always put back the labeled brush in the sleeve to keep them safe.
- Do not take the dog’s saliva – for accurate results, always get the sample from the dog’s cheek cells.
- Do not cause the sample collected to touch the dog’s tongue or teeth as it can change their results.
- Do not take samples from recently nursed puppies because they can still have traces of their mother’s genetic materials.