In the UK pets are treated as well loved members of our families. Some families even treat their pets to luxuries such as designer clothing and professional photo shoots. However not all pet owners agree on the boundaries which pet owners should set for their furry companions. If you’re curious if sharing your food with your pet is normal or not simply continue reading to discover the results of a recent nationwide survey on the boundaries which UK pet owners set for their pets.
Common Home Pet Habits:
While there are individuals who won’t let their pets climb up on their sofa, over 57% of survey respondents said that they let their pet sit on their sofa. Many of the respondents also revealed that their pets had a special spot on their sofa or had their very own chair to sit on. So if you love curling up with your pet and binge watching movies with your furry friend your behavior is completely normal.
A large proportion of UK pet owners tuck their pets into bed at night:
Do you tuck your pet in at night? Approximately 40% of survey respondents claimed that they tucked their pets into bed each night. As part of their nightly ritual. So if you tuck your dog into its dog bed at night and give it a kiss on its head your behavior is perfectly normal. Or if you’re more of a cat person you may be pleased to learn that you’re not the only individual who says goodnight to your cat before you go to sleep each night.
Most pet owners share their personal food with their pets on a regular basis:
If you’ve ever fed your pet a scrap of food from your own dinner plate, your behavior is completely normal. As a whopping 60% of survey respondents revealed that they often shared their personal food with their pets. So there’s no need to feel bad if you’ve ever cooked an extra piece of meat for your pet.
Roughly half of the country greet their pets before their partner:
When you come home from a long day at work, do you greet your partner first or your beloved pet? You may be surprised to read that 48% of the pet owners who were surveyed would greet and pet their furry friend first before greeting their partner. Which goes to show just how much pet owners in the UK love their pets.
Most pet owners still prefer sleeping with their partner over their pet:
While it may be commonplace to greet your pet first when you get home from work, 75% of pet owners who were surveyed claimed that they’d still rather sleep with their partner over their pet. Which goes to show that while pet owners adore their pets, they seem to love their partners just as much.
Hopefully you’ve discovered whether or not the pet habits which you have are normal or whether the boundaries which you set for your pets are a little outside the norm.