Your ‘beardie’ is cute, alert, and playful. Although its care and management are easy, you want to give it your very best. Here are tips for bearded dragon care.
Eating time is fun for the omnivorous bearded dragon. You can buy one from a reputable seller like They consume a mixture of insects and vegetables. The young ones take 80% insects and 20% plants while the adults do 80% plants and 20% insects. The feeding patterns depend on their size. The large ones typically eat once daily, while babies eat thrice daily. Consult a veterinarian for accurate food quantity.
What size of insect does your bearded dragon eat? The rule is never to feed anything larger than the distance between your pet’s eyes. Feeder insects suitable for bearded dragons include Dubia insects, wax worms, silkworms, red worms, mealworms, butter worms, earthworms, and super worms.
You can either feed by gut loading or dusting. For dusting, put the insects and nutrients/vitamins in a bag and lightly shake it. The insects get a coating of nutrients for your pet’s diet. Do this weekly. Gut loading is simply feeding the animal with the nutrients you want directly.
The reptiles consume leafy greens, spring greens, kales, Chinese leaf, pea shoots, endive, bell peppers, and other vegetables. Additionally, fruits make a healthy diet too. These plants can be chopped and served as a salad or clipped to the side of the bowl.
A shallow dish of water will do. But if your dragon loves a good soak, offer a large bowl where it can climb in and splash occasionally.
A large dragon is comfortable in an enclosed 55 to 75-gallon tank. The juveniles can use smaller tanks. The reptiles are both tree-dwelling and ground perching. Provide perch items such as logs, branches, and sturdy rocks in a basking area within the tank.
The ideal cool temperatures are between 80 and 85 F, while warmth should be 95 to 105 F. At night, the heat can be at 65 -70 F. You can heat the enclosure with a ceramic heater, an incandescent light, or a mercury vapour bulb. Check the temperatures using a thermometer.
The pet reptile sleeps at night and is awake during the day. Ensure an alternating 12-hour light and 12-hour dark sessions. Additionally, the dragon benefits from exposure to UV lighting. You have to ensure the bulb is within 12 inches of the animal. If outdoors, provide a shade where your pet can shelter after basking in the sun.
Keep the humidity levels between 35% and 40%. You need to mist your reptile to raise the humidity. Also, place substrate to maintain the humidity level and to give the enclosure a natural look. However, avoid sand and wood shavings that the bearded dragons can easily ingest, especially the young ones.
Caring for your bearded dragon is fun and easy if you know how to do it. These bearded dragon care tips will keep your pet healthy and active. You can choose from a wide range of options and buy your pet from a renowned seller like Always consult a veterinarian for individual food estimates and health issues.