Hosting friends with children can be quite a daunting task if you don’t have kids of your own or if you aren’t used to having to keep little ones busy. At least when you’re at their house, they’ll have their own bedrooms, toys and everything will be familiar to them. But when they come to your place, it’s important that they have somewhere to keep busy while the adults entertain.
Of course, they’re not your children, so the responsibility isn’t all yours, but since it’s your home, it’s always nice to be prepared so you can make things as easy as possible for the parents. Most people will bring along the things they need – whether it’s toys or even an IPad. But it’s not a bad idea to have a back-up plan.
Here are some tips for hosting friends who have kids.
Set Out a Few Fun Games or Toys
They’ll probably come equipped with their own, but it’s never a bad idea to have something there just in case the parents haven’t had time to properly prepare. Children also always love new things, so they’re bound to be distracted by a toy or game they’ve never seen before. Just keep the online casino South Africa entertainment for yourself and make sure whatever game you have is age appropriate.
Depending on their age, putting on a movie or a television show they enjoy can also be a good way to keep kids happy while the adults socialise. This is a particularly good idea if you’re entertaining in the evening or having a dinner party.
Show the Kids Around
Going to a new house and unfamiliar territory can be intimidating for kids, so it’s always a nice idea to show them around before you start having fun. That way, they’ll know where everything is, including the bathroom. Importantly though, especially for young children, you can use this as an opportunity to tell them which places or rooms are out of bounds.
Set Boundaries From the Beginning
We’d like to think that your friends’ kids will be well behaved, but you never know – kids are kids, after all. It’s always a good idea to set boundaries from the outset so they know what is and what isn’t allowed in your house. Whether it’s something like running indoors, putting feet on the couch or not going to the pool area without an adult, make sure they know what they can and can’t do.
Introduce them to your Pets
Some children are used to animals and others aren’t. Even if your dog is very well behaved and good with kids, it’s a good idea to introduce the children to the animals – whether it’s a dog, cat or whatever else – and tell them what is and isn’t okay. For instance, your dog may enjoy being stroked, but not on his head.
Make sure the little ones know how to play with them properly – or even not at all – and you should be able to avoid any disasters from occurring later on. Both their parents and your pets will appreciate this foresight!