EMFs, or electromagnetic fields, are produced naturally. They even occur in our own bodies, especially in regard to muscle and nerve activity. The earth has a natural magnetic field, and there are also magnetic fields in the earth’s atmosphere. But while EMFs are considered essential when produced naturally, there are electromagnetic fields produced by man-made objects or sources which can cause harm. Exposure to too many EMFs can result in disruptions to your body’s normal functions, and it can lead to diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease, and more. If you are becoming increasingly concerned about EMFs and cell phone radiation, there are some habits you can cultivate to better protect yourself, however. Let’s find out what these habits are.
Limit bodily contact
The first habit you can cultivate if you want better cell phone radiation protection is to limit bodily contact to your cell phone and other gadgets and appliances which emit radiation. If you have to go out with your cell phone, put it in your purse or bag rather than placing it in your pocket or even bra. When sleeping, don’t keep your cell phone on your bedside table. If you are placing a call, use speaker mode instead of holding the phone to your ear. The point is to limit the contact of cell phones and other gadgets to your body. This is a habit that is easy to cultivate if you are aware and conscious of what you should do.
Take advantage of ‘earthing’
‘Earthing’ is increasingly being done by numerous individuals, and it is proven to have some real benefits. If you don’t know what earthing is, it’s simply a habit of putting your bare feet on the earth or ground so you can soak up electrons from the Earth which are negatively-charged. The electrons will take away any harmful substances from air pollution, heavy metals, and trans fats, and it can also decrease inflammation. ‘Grounding’ yourself regularly can bring some immense benefits to your health and reduce the effects of EMF exposure.
Create your own personal sanctuary
If you live in a big city, you are surrounded by electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic radiation is all around you, most notably in your own Wi-Fi connection. Aside from your own connection, you are probably exposed to around 10 or more Wi-Fi networks in your immediate environment. But one habit you can cultivate is to turn off your Wi-Fi when you are not using it. The same goes for your cell phone or tablet – if you don’t need it, turn it off. Also, before going to sleep at night, turn off your Wi-Fi. By doing this and making it a habit, you are creating your own personal sanctuary as well.