Most people that live in Sydney have experienced something pretty incredible in their lives or, something that they’ll only experience once. Some things you’d probably be quite pleased to only experience once whereas others you’ll thank your lucky stars when they are done and dusted. Here are a few examples of things that you will either only experience once in your lifetime, or wish you had;
Arrange your own funeral
The though alone feels a bit strange however, most people, at some stage of their life will have to be a part of arranging their own funeral. Many a person has had to use the services of Sydney funeral directors however strange it must feel, leaving our loved ones to deal with the process themselves after you’ve gone can’t be pleasant for them so, it’s only fair really.
Getting Married
When planning to get married it should really be a commitment for life, something that only happens once in a lifetime, in sickness and in health and all that. However, sometimes things don’t always go to plan and unfortunately things have changed a lot over the years. Commitment isn’t what it used to be with some sources reporting the average marriage only lasts around 8 years. Probably not what you would expect, especially if you are tying the knot or, happily married.
Divorce has to follow…
Not that it is a requirement or, something that is suggested as a good idea, it just seems fitting, certainly given the previous subject, that divorce comes next. It’s highly unlikely that anybody considers that they will ever get divorced, that is of course unless things start to go really pear shaped and can’t be worked out somehow.
A hole in one!
If you’ve ever played golf then, you will know precisely how hard it can be to get a hole in one. If you’ve never played golf before then, you must have heard of the phrase before and, maybe not thought too much of it. To put things into perspective, your chances of landing a hole in one are around 12,500 – 1 so, the likelihood is, if you have a go and crack a hole in one then you probably won’t do it again.
Having a bird poo on you
Definitely one of those situations where you hope no one else is present and, that it only happens once unless, you are superstitious of course, apparently, it’s a sign of good luck if a bird does a poo on you although you’d only hear it from people that it’s happened to.
Sometimes the process can be really messy and put people off the idea of ever getting married again. Others don’t seem to be phased by the experience and find themselves getting married and divorced multiple times, for most though, it’s once bitten twice shy.
Glutton for punishment?
Apart from being involved in the planning of your own funeral, there is a chance that you may experience the others more than once although, if you’re sensible you’ll do your best to make sure they don’t.