Getting back into your usual work routine after a vacation can take some getting used to. Throwing yourself back into the swing of things too soon and you will feel like you’ve never been away, but moving too slowly and you will find yourself feeling uninspired and unproductive.
If your vacation is coming to an end and you are dreading getting back to the daily grind, try these top tips to help you successfully ease you way back into a work routine after a break.
1. Return Early. If you can, try to arrive back from your vacation a day before you need to go back to work. This way you can give yourself time to wind down and re-focus before you have to hit the ground running. This also gives you a chance to catch up with laundry, stock up the fridge, and get you and your family sorted, meaning you go back to work feeling relaxed and not stressed out about everyday tasks.
2. Get A Good Night’s Sleep. The night before you have to go back to work, be sure to hit the hay nice and early. A good 7-8 hours sleep will not only help you focus better and improve your cognitive skills, it’s also a great way to keep hold of that holiday feeling. Don’t fear the alarm, simply hop into bed an hour or so early so that you still feel like you have had enough sleep to set you up for the day ahead.
3. Ease Yourself Back In To Day To Day Life. If you’ve spent two weeks doing absolutely nothing but relaxing on the beach, suddenly having to organize your family and get yourself to work can seem more stressful than usual. So try and take it as gently as possible. Ask for help if you need to — perhaps a friend or neighbor can drop the kids at school on your first day back? Or maybe you could arrange to come in to work a little later. Going at it all like a bull in a china shop will simply raise your stress levels and will make everyone at home feel frantic.
4. Make A To-Do List. You might draw up a daily To Do list anyway, but these are more crucial than ever when you have to get your head back around the business side of life. Spend you first few minutes at work catching up with emails, letters, and colleagues before writing a comprehensive list of all of the matters that you need to attend in order of urgency. This way you’ll be fully focused from the outset and not floundering as you try to do too many things at once.
5. Make Time For Yourself. Working eight hours straight with no break or frantically eating lunch at your desk to try and get everything done is counter productive. You’re nice and relaxed after your vacation, so let’s try and keep it that way. Taking your lunch break, making time to chat to fellow workers in the corridor, and reminiscing about your time away – all of these simple activities may seem like you are wasting precious time, but in fact you are actually allowing yourself to be more productive by taking regular breaks.
6. Eat Well And Take Care Of Your Body. Most of us like to try new foods while we’re on vacation, and not all of them are healthy! You may have loved every minute of your over indulgence, but now you’re home it’s time to think about eating well again. Fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, and water are not only good for the waistline, they also help us to feel more active and alert. You can also increase your productivity and feel great by taking a nootropics supplement that helps with both your immediate and long-term brain health and function. Nootropics can stimulate mental activity which can help you to bounce back into action after a vacation or expended break from work.
You’re return to reality doesn’t have to be miserable! Just put the right steps in place and you’ll ease your way back into the workplace with a clearer and more relaxed mind.