One of the greatest answers to prayer comes when a person gives their life to Jesus. Think about it. At the time of their salvation, they weren’t doing everything in their life perfectly. In fact, far from it. Yet without any effort, they received a supernatural miracle. It happened because they believed and simply received the gift of salvation from God. There was no doubt that it was theirs for the taking.
This is why effective prayer is based upon the foundation that the promises a person prays for is already theirs. They don’t have to fight God for it. They simply believe and receive.
What many don’t know about The Gospel is that it means good news (what God has already done), not about what God is going to do if a person behaves properly. The good news of The Gospel is that a person is already forgiven, delivered, healed, and whole if they receive it. God has already done His part. Praying to God properly is really about receiving what He has already provided.
God has already done everything
Beyond prayer, this is how every part of the Christian life works. Through Jesus, God has already healed, prospered, and set a person free. However, most Christians beg God to do something. They plead with Him to change. This is not the right way to pray. Praying to God is not about trying to twist the Lord’s arm to get Him to do your bidding. Prayer is receiving by faith what God has already done for you.
Throughout the Bible, God delicately revealed how to set up the foundation to a person’s prayer life. As a person discovers what needs to be changed, God helps them make the changes. If a person discovers they have a faulty foundation in their prayer life, now is the time to tear it up and build again.
How long to pray
God is full of kindness and mercy like a Father to his child. Even though many pray incorrectly, God is able to handle it and lovingly show them where they need to change – if they’re open to it. Yes, the Lord will tolerate and even still bless many who are praying incorrectly. However, that is not the correct way to pray. He isn’t mad but, many prayers are going unanswered leaving people frustrated.
If what is being said here rubs you the wrong way please understand that that is not the intention. God is not angry at you and that is why many Christian prayers fall short. God is good and there is simply a correct way to pray to Him.
Yes, there is a right and wrong way to pray. If a person will allow Him, God will carefully reveal what needs to be changed in order to bring about prayer results.
Open up your heart
When a person’s heart is open, they move into alignment with the Holy Spirit. He is the ultimate teacher on how to pray and He will guide a person it all truth. When a person encounters a revelation that change needs to happen, don’t run but embrace it.
If a person won’t change and continuing to hold onto wrong ways when you pray, there is much to lose rather than gain. In fact, not getting results through prayer might mean life or death.
There isn’t anyone on the planet that has perfected their prayer life. However, quite a few are getting far more answers than the majority. Regular results should be the norm. All answered prayer brings glory and honor to God.
Change how you pray
If a person is seeing subpar results in their prayer life, they ought to consider the inner workings of their prayer life. It’s that simple. A person should take a reasonable amount of time to look under the hood of how they pray.
It is in that time of reflection that they have an opportunity to discover and root out unwanted weights and hindrances that have been slowing down or stopping the effectiveness of their prayer. When people grow taller or grow stronger, there is resistance involved but the results are what brings about spiritual maturity.
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