In recent years charcoal dental products such as charcoal toothpastes and charcoal toothbrushes have increased in popularity. Especially as it’s often claimed that charcoal can be used as an effective, affordable teeth whitener. If you’re curious about whether a charcoal based dental product can make a difference to the color of your smile, simply continue reading to discover the honest truth about charcoal use with teeth whitening. Especially if you need a confidence boost when it comes to the color of your teeth.
Charcoal based cleaning products can help you remove stubborn stains:
One way to ensure that your smile is healthy and bright, is to use a charcoal based cleaning product such as a charcoal based toothpaste or toothbrush to remove stubborn hard to remove stains. For example, if you have coffee or tea stains that you’ve been struggling to get rid of, you can attempt to remove these stains with charcoal.
It’s best to alternate using charcoal dental products with traditional products:
While charcoal has been found to be effective in removing surface stains, you may not want to use a charcoal based product such as a charcoal based toothpaste twice a day. As if you use charcoal based dental products twice a day you will run the risk of damaging your teeth’s enamel. Which can lead to a large number of serious issues such as potential tooth decay.
So to be on the safe side, you may want to use a charcoal toothpaste or toothbrush 2-4 times per week. In order to significantly remove stains and prevent stains from building up on your teeth, without running the risk of damaging your precious enamel. It’s a great idea to pay attention to whether or not using charcoal products makes your teeth sensitive. If they do you may want to limit your use of such products to 2 times per week. Or 2 days per week, in order to take care of your teeth.
You may want to use charcoal dental products in conjunction with other whitening products:
While charcoal dental products can remove stains which will make your teeth appear a lot whiter, you won’t be able to lighten your teeth several shades of white, like you would be able to if you were to have your teeth professionally whitened at your local dental clinic. So if you do opt to try out charcoal based dental products for yourself, it’s a wise move to do so, while using other whitening products or dental services.
In conclusion:
So if you have teeth that are slightly stained due to long term habits such as tea drinking, coffee drinking or eating certain types of foods which can stain your teeth, it’s well worth trying out a charcoal based dental product as part of your teeth whitening regime. As you may be surprised at just how fast a charcoal based dental product can transform your smile. Especially when used in conjunction with other whitening treatments.