Aging and childbirth give rise to various problems, which might require surgery in order to combat them. Incontinence Treatment Toronto is one such condition. In Stress Urinary Incontinence there is an involuntary loss of control over urination when there is an increase in pressure due to either coughing or sneezing or laughing or doing any form of physical exertion.
What is Stress Urinary Incontinence?
Stress urinary incontinence is a health condition which takes place due to the change in the anatomy of the female body because of vaginal childbirth, weight gain or ageing. Due to these conditions, the pelvic floor muscles and tissues become weak and causes urethral closure which controls urination. The bladder and urethra are supported by the pelvic floor muscles. A vaginal delivery or other causes may weaken these muscles, so exertion on these muscles apply pressure on the bladder and cause the urine to leak.
Surgery as treatment
Surgeries are usually the last resort when it comes to treating Stress Urinary Incontinence. There are various surgical techniques which are available. If the condition of incontinence is due to vaginal atrophy or bladder prolapse, then an anterior vaginal repair surgery can be carried to restore the weak and sagging vaginal muscles. If the muscle sphincter of the bladder is weak, which is causing the leakage then artificial urinary sphincters can be inserted. Other surgeries which help to alleviate the condition of Stress Urinary Incontinence and provide support to the urethra, include bulking injections, tension-free vaginal tape and urethral/vaginal sling procedures.
Laser treatment
If you don’t want to opt for surgical treatment, then you don’t have to worry as there are non-invasive procedures which are available. Vaginal laser therapy is increasingly becoming a popular option for treating Stress Urinary Incontinence. The Laser gently stimulates the re-growth and re-structuring of the collagen present in the vagina and urethra. This causes thickening which in turn tightens the region and ultimately reduces urine loss and gives you better control over urination.
Other treatment options
Invasive and non-invasive procedures are two of the most popular ways of treating the condition of incontinence. However, if you aren’t sure about either of the procedures, then there are also other options which are available to you that you can opt for. Some of them are:
- Behavioural Therapy: Behavioral modification takes place with the changes in lifestyle which help to reduce the frequency of urine. Some of the modifications include altering daily fluid intake, urinating more often, avoiding certain movements and quitting smoking, drinking alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. The modifications differ from person to person.
- Medication: helps in the treatment of moderate and mild cases of SUI. Anti-cholinergic, anti-muscarinic, anti-depressants and beta-agonists are some of the types of medications which are prescribed for the condition.
- Physical Therapy: Biofeedback and kegel exercise can be helpful in combating the condition. In biofeedback, an individual learns, identifies and controls the pelvic floor muscles which help people to regain control over urination.