Sending your toddler to day care is an excellent way to help him or her prepare for school days. Not only will your child learn basics like colors, letters, and numbers, but he or she will also have basic social skills when starting kindergarten. Of course, day cares are also an easy way to spread germs between children, which means you’ll need to prepare your toddler by providing the best immune booster for kids and teaching basic hygiene skills.
Teach Your Child How To Wash Hands
One of the best things you can do for your toddler as he or she heads to day care is to teach proper hand washing techniques. Make the steps easy to remember. Start with teaching your child to use warm water to wet his or her hands, and then to lather with soap. You can keep a toddler interested in soap by finding ones with fun shapes, colors, and scents.
Next, show your toddler how to scrub palms, the back of the hands, and between the fingers. Consider teaching a fun song that lasts about 20 seconds for the best results. Finally, show your son or daughter how to rinse off the soap and dry hands with a towel. Be sure to practice in public places as well, since the day care bathroom is likely to be set up differently than your home’s is. Remember to teach about properly washing after using the restroom, before eating, and after playing outside.
Show Your Child Coughing and Sneezing Etiquette
One of the biggest ways germs spread in day cares is because kids cough or sneeze directly into their hands and then continue to play with communal toys. Teaching your child how to cough and sneeze properly helps to prevent the spread of germs. If your toddler needs to cough or sneeze, teach him or her to grab a clean tissue and do so into it. If a tissue isn’t available, show your child how to cough or sneeze into his or her elbow. Afterward, your toddler should throw away used tissue and wash his or her hands.
Keep in mind, coughing and sneezing properly only helps to prevent the spread of germs if most or all of the children in day care are also doing it properly. Consider asking your day care provider to hold a lesson for all the children at once. In the meantime, you can also give your toddler something like Wellements elderberry immune syrup to help boost the immune system.
Understand How Your Toddler Exhibits Stress
Remember, toddlers can become stressed, which could lower their immune system, too. As you prepare yours for day care, keep the signs of stress in toddlers in mind. This way, you can help to boost his or her immune system or determine whether to avoid day care for a few days until your child is feeling better mentally and therefore physically. Doing so protects your family as well as everyone else’s.
Day care is an excellent way for your child to learn social skills, basic education, and self-reliance, not to mention a great way for you to ensure your toddler is safe while you work or run errands. Teaching proper hygiene etiquette and using safe immune boosters will help to ensure health and safety while away from home.