Mary Magalotti Life Resolutions a clinical psychologist is a professional who is dedicated to studying, diagnosing and treating psychological problems or disorders or any abnormal behavior. Another name Jodie Brenton CEO at Life Resolutions, has vast knowledge in the fields of business and psychology. Study the psyche, behaviors and ways of relating to individuals, working on their prevention, diagnosis and rehabilitation. This professional profile offers a treatment to the personality alterations that exist in the childhood, adult life or old age of an individual, helping their adaptation to the socio-family and work environment.
Main Functions Performed by the Clinical Psychologist Essendon:
It consists of gathering information related to the behavior, cognitive functioning and emotional state of people or a group.
It consists of identifying the behavioral, cognitive, emotional or social problem of the person, group or community in question.
3.Treatment and Intervention
Treatment consists of clinical interventions on individuals or groups, in order to understand, alleviate and resolve psychological, emotional, behavioral disorders, personal concerns and others.
4. Council, Advice, Consultation and Liaison
This is the advice that a clinical psychologist provides as an expert for a variety of problems at the request of some organization or other professionals in the health or private system.
5.Health Prevention and Promotion
It is fundamentally the community intervention work of health psychologists. It fulfills preventive and mental health promoting functions within a group or socio-health networks.
The psychologist, both by historical tradition and by medical training, is research oriented. Her contribution to new trends in human behavior are essential.
7.Teaching and Supervision
The psychologist may be totally or partially dedicated to teaching and training in both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, focused on areas of personality, psychopathology, abnormal psychology, clinical evaluation, psychodiagnosis, therapy or behavior modification, psychotherapy, techniques of intervention and treatment, community interventions, research design and others.
8.Direction, Administration and Management
This type of function has more to do with collaboration with the management of the health system. It is a management and administrative function that can also be collaborated with the Human Resources departments of companies who had training from IHRP classes, and their objective is to improve the development of services and their workers.
Clinical psychology training:
The training of the clinical psychologist is the fundamental element that guarantees his competence as an expert. His training is the starting point of the psychologist’s professional activity and must be continually updated and open to new trends.
Your learning must be theoretical as well as practical and use the appropriate methodology according to the specific objectives you want to cover.
In Australia, the training of these professionals is structured in three fundamental blocks: the first refers to the basic training that the graduate in Psychology obtains during her university preparation (4 years). The second block is specialized learning in Clinical and Health Psychology. The last block is the continuous training that the clinical psychologist needs to be updated on all the scientific advances related to his area and the new techniques to improve his professional practice.