Chiropractic care is typically given to those seeking relief from certain conditions such as back pain, shoulder injuries, or spinal issues. According to statistics, over 20 million Americans visit their chiropractors annually out of which over 30% are there to sort out back problems and the rest for sports-related injuries and muscle strains or conditions caused by accidents. Click here for more on that.
The art of a chiropractor is to manipulate the body in a way that helps to align it. The musculoskeletal structure in particular the spine is treated in this manner using this hands-on approach which helps to heal it by itself. Uses include relief of pain and inflammation, joint pains, and ligament conditions and are sometimes better than conventional medication. Adults use it all the time, but what about kids?
We find out more below.
Can Kids See A Chiropractor?
It may be a surprising fact to have children with backaches, but it does happen. This can be caused by a misalignment that happens when they are born because sometimes when the baby cannot come out easily, it is pulled and pinched with forceps to aid it coming out from the mother. This can lead to weight on their neck, which leads to conditions later in life.
Of course, the treatments will not be the same as those done on adults, they are gentler. Sometimes if drugs or surgery is not an option this is a safer alternative and especially for the fragile bodies of children.
Treatment is initially discussed with the parents, once a physical examination is done of the child, the process may involve one or more adjustments which involve manipulation of the spine, or joints, depending on what area needs the most attention. Many professionals also include counseling on suitable strengthening and core exercises for children to do at home like the ones mentioned here:, depending on their age.
Signs That Your Kid Needs One
One of the most important aspects of our bodies is our nervous system, it’s like a power cord to electrical equipment, if it’s not plugged in, nothing will fully function. In our bodies it is the same theory – If the connection is inhibited by a discrepancy, the signals that are meant to be passed onto the rest of the body from the brain and the spine, get hindered.
Sometimes it is not even that obvious, and things such as pain in your hand or shoulder, can be stemming from the spine or neck, because we have nerves connecting everything in our body and when those nerves don’t function optimally we can get aches and pain anywhere throughout the body.
This is where chiropractic care for children can come in, they are specialized in examining the body for interferences and treat the underlying origin of the pain using controlled techniques, to enable a pain-free child.
How to tell if you need to visit one is, in general, when you observe your child from the front, their spine must be straight. This means from the top of their head, all the way down to their neck, and hips should all be in one line.
Additionally, you should check him or her from the side as well. The ears, right down to the pelvis should be aligned and their ears should be aligned behind the shoulders, and they must be aligned behind the pelvis, all in one straight line.
If something looks out of place, for instance, any of the below 4 items, you should visit a chiro for an examination.
- When looking at your child and his one hip looks higher than the other or turned towards a different direction instead of being forward-facing.
- When their head protrudes forward in front of their shoulders or chest.
- If their head looks like it is tilting towards one side more than the other or rotated towards a particular direction.
- Or if one shoulder is higher or lower than the other or the torso is leaning towards one side.
There are many health benefits of visiting a chiro and if your skeptical, an initial conversation is always key. Also, ask around perhaps someone you know will have already taken their kid to one of them and recommends it. Never go for price when choosing one, always go for quality.