Sharing space with other people daily is a breeding ground for bacteria. Sickness such as colds, flu and other viruses can spread rapidly from one person to another. It’s can be even worse when some employees decide against calling in sick, contaminating surfaces in the workplace and spreading bacteria as they cough and sneeze particulate matter. At the time of writing the COVID 19 virus is stamping its mark across the world.
In the case of this contagion, industry and the general economy have been laid waste as a result of governments locking down populations to prevent the spread.
You have a contagious illness
Even if you’re still physically capable of going to work, given the way in which this virus has spread, staying at home is the wise course of action to follow. You should stay at home not just for your own health, but also for the health of your fellow workers. If you have a contagious illness, do the right thing and stay away from contact with others to avoid spreading it around. Common cold, stomach viruses and flu are among the examples of contagious illnesses which can rapidly spread.
While you’re at home, you still need to take medicines to aid in your recovery. Since you have a contagious illness, it might be prudent to order your medicines from an online pharmacy. You can even buy antibiotics online. The medication will be delivered direct to your home.
You got injured
When you have a severe injury, you need to stay home and recover. Your inability to fully use your faculties will make you less productive, place you at risk of further injury and potentially place your fellow workers at increased risk. Your doctor may prescribe complete bed rest for a faster recovery. If you still want to work and you can do so using a computer or other device, you can request to work from home.
You have a medical appointment
Getting a medical appointment isn’t easy. It’s even more difficult these days as the world is fighting a pandemic. If the doctor is only available to see you during office hours, you have no choice but to call in sick. Getting immediate medical attention is crucial for recovery. If you procrastinate before seeking a consultation with a medical professional, your illness could get worse.
You may need hospitalising
After consulting with your doctor, a hospital admission might be necessary. If your doctor tells you to stay in the hospital to recover their advice should be followed. Most doctors will evaluate your symptoms before suggesting hospital admission. Usually, they don’t advise hospital if you can recover from home. Staying in a hospital means that you require close monitoring by healthcare providers. You might place your life at risk if you go against the doctor’s advice.
Don’t hesitate to call in sick even if it means you won’t get paid. You can deal with the consequences of your absence later. For now, the goal is to recover so you can return to the workplace.