Do you know what the one thing that famous reality TV star Kim Kardashian took, to keep her calm during her pregnancy and birth of her 4th child? CBD (Cannabidiol) extract.
In the United States, one of the most sought-after sectors and one that has been booming over the past few years has been that of CBD. It has been predicted to hit the $16 billion mark within the next 5 years. This is mainly because, after the realization of how essential this plant has become to not only human health but also our pooch’s health, manufacturers have been adding it to food (human and pet food), breath sprays, clothing, and even shoes.
A lot of other famous and not-so-famous people have been taking it themselves and giving it to their pets and swear by it, stating it helps reduce their anxiety and panic attacks or benefits their sleep. But these are merely user accounts. What about the research that’s been done on it?
Let’s look into the benefits that have been seen in clinical trials and recorded in the books. Below are a few of these.
1. As A Pain-Reliever. In very recent studies, researchers have discovered that one of the benefits of this component derived from Marijuana, the CBD, can help to lessen pain in both humans and animals. This is due to the similarities between ours and our pet’s endocannabinoid systems (ECS), which is responsible for regulating sleep, pain, immune responses to name a few.
Several studies have been done on participants to find positive results in treating pain related to issues such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis feel free to check my reference on this informative website as well.
2. As a treatment Towards reducing Depression and Anxiety. According to reputable health authorities such as WHO (World Health Organizations), depression accounts for the majority of the world’s disability, and anxiety has been rated 6th on the list. With such a prevalent condition ramping up society, it is no wonder scientists have been looking for ways to curb it and possibly have found the cure.
A study done in Brazil, with a controlled group of 50 willing male participants, were given oral CBD versus the other half that was given placebos. Resulted in the CBD doses being more effective than the placebos which did not affect the people psyche whatsoever. It showed that it reduced anxiety significantly on the participants that took the CBD.
3. As a Treatment for Acne. Almost 90% of the world’s population suffers from acne, and there are just as many companies and pharmaceutical big names that have produced thousands of different types of solutions for it. But what if there was an easy, natural way to get rid of it and keep it at bay?
Genetics, bacteria, overproduction of sebum, inflammation, hormones can all cause this condition. So as much as we can treat it on the surface, we must also treat it internally by taking a substance that can help reduce the inflammation and provide long-term relief.
Studies have shown that taking CBD oil can help reduce sebum production and acts as an anti-inflammatory. One such study showed that it prevented the glands from secreting excessive sebum, helped towards inflammation, and treat it. This study can be found online
4. As an enhancement Towards Heart Health. Known to reduce blood pressure and benefit, heart, and circulatory system all at the same time, this substance can see benefits towards reducing strokes in people, as well as heart attacks, which have become fairly common with old age.
When 9 healthy men were given doses of the extract versus other men who were treated with a placebo, the records show that the men who were given the extract had a lowered resting blood pressure in comparison. They also did a stress test on the same participants and found a lesser spike in the increase of blood pressure, in the men who took the CBD.
In addition to all the above studies, tests have also been done on animals that showed a reduction in inflammation of their arthritis and also increase in stress-reduction, plus it acted as an antioxidant to them too. Veterinarians have been asked the question about this substance at least once or twice a month by various pet owners. The jury is still out on the proper answer for this in this regard. However, we can at least seek comfort in the studies that have been done.