If you’re a woman who has entered that special time of her life known as menopause, you’re more than likely looking for ways to alleviate your menopause symptoms. Hot flashes, vaginal dryness night sweats, and mood swings can make your life a lot harder than it already is.
The side effects of going through menopause may seem like too much to bear at times, but there are ways to get through them and emerge a happier woman. If you’re feeling like the end of your menstrual cycle has been less of a celebration and more of a nightmare, here are ten ways to reduce your annoying menopause symptoms.
1. Find Community Among Other Women
One of the best ways to give yourself some menopause relief is by finding a community of women who get it. Truly Mama is a web community of mothers who share stories, advice, and shoulders to lean on in times of strife. TrulyMama is a great resource for all things women and all things friendship. Menopause is way better with friends, for sure.
2. Watch Your Weight
Being overweight can exacerbate your menopause symptoms, and may hurt your self-esteem. Make sure you’re not indulging too much in treats to make the pain go away, and keep active in your everyday life. Being a healthy weight helps you sleep better and limits your risk for disease.
3. Eat a Healthy and Varied Diet
Along with the weight gain concern, you should be eating a healthy and varied diet including fresh fruits and vegetables. These kinds of lifestyle changes are useful in all parts of your life, not just menopause.
4. Cool Down Your Night Sweats
Hot flashes and night sweats are some of the worst symptoms you can deal with in menopause. Some suggest putting frozen vegetables under your pillow, running the fan, and layering with thin sheets or blankets rather than big fluffy duvets as ways to reduce your overheated sleep.
5. Make it Through Your Hot Flushes
Hot flashes are some of the most embarrassing, and most common, symptoms that women undergo when they are in menopause. Make sure you take deep breaths and relax when these hot flashes occur, as it will make it much easier to ride it out and may even shorten it.
6. Lube Up to Avoid Vaginal Dryness
Sex doesn’t have to stop when your period does. Make sure you have plenty of water or aloe-based lube around so you can still get it on despite any vaginal dryness you’re experiencing.
7. Use a Supplement to Provide Relief from Side Effects
While there is no one little magic pill to help with all your menopause symptoms, there are supplements to help with menopause relief. Menolabs makes supplements for women at all stages of menopause and uses natural ingredients to help you improve your immunity and provide glow to your skin, all while giving you some relief from your symptoms.
8. Talk it Out
If your mood swings seem to be beyond what should be expected from menopause side effects, you may want to speak to a therapist or counselor. He or she can assure you you’re not alone, or may even prescribe you medicines to regulate your estrogen levels or help you sleep.
9. Exercise for Relief from Many Symptoms
Exercise is not only a great way to keep your weight in check and regulate your heart rate, but it can also fight insomnia and relax your body overall. Exercise also limits your risk for other issues, like high blood pressure, weight gain, and other heart conditions.
10. Remember Your Preventative Health Measures
If you’re going through menopause, it means there are other issues that are at stake for your health given your demographic. Women in their middle age and older may develop osteoporosis, which is a brittle bones disorder caused by a lack of calcium in the diet. Make sure you’re taking the right supplement, medicines, and calcium-rich foods so you can avoid this.