Everyone desires a Happy Family that provides domestic bliss and makes you want to run home from your school or work. Since the Brady Bunch became the quintessential picture of a big happy family, we all have had some idea of how a perfectly happy family should look like. However, reality is a little different that the television. Even if your family in Canada is not that cliché picture-perfect happy, don’t stress and follow these tips to achieve a happier family life.
Eat Meals Together
Eating meals together, especially dinners allow a great way to connect with each other. After a whole day of work or study everyone can finally sit down to relax together and share how their day went. It is highly beneficial to make eating together a habit as it creates a sense of togetherness and research shows that children who eat with their family are less likely to develop eating disorders or suffer from depression etc. Even if your different schedules don’t allow you to eat a specific meal together every day, try and eat one meal together at least so you can benefit from mealtime conversations. Also eating together is one thing that brings people together more than any other activity does. Take Christmas or thanksgiving dinners in Canada, we all have the fondest childhood memories revolving around these two events. For added fun, you can even have a pizza night and make homemade pizzas together.
Create a Peaceful and Stress-Free Home
One of the most essential things in achieving domestic bliss is to build a home that is peaceful and makes you forget all your worries. It takes effort on the family dynamics front as well as the décor and overall feel of the home. Encouraging your children to have a say in important decisions or spending quality time with your spouse contribute to this. But imagine even if your family ties are sorted yet your home still lacks a homey feel. For example dark color palette and small windows can create a depressing mood in the home. You can easily change that and check replacement windows in Calgary to choose windows that allow light and air into the house.
Play Together
It is normal that everyone in the family has different hobbies and interests. However, a wise person once said a family who plays together, sticks together. You should find an activity that the whole family can engage in. For younger children you can have a bedtime stories session every night. For the older ones you can watch a show after dinner together that you all love or go out for a run together in the morning. Even if your routine doesn’t allow you to do it on a regular basis you can even make a fun activity out of when to replace Winnipeg windows. It’s all about the energy and enthusiasm that makes even a mundane activity fun and a way of connecting with your family.
Let us know in the comments below about what is your idea of achieving a happy family life.