Fleas can infest your home very quickly; one female can lay as many 5,000 eggs in a lifetime. The simple fact is that in less than a month you can end up with a severe flea infestation. Although fleas do not live on humans they can decide to have a snack of human blood. This means that if there are fleas in your home the people who live there are likely to get bitten at some point.
Fleas usually crop up on the fur of your pet cat or dog. You may be able to spot the tiny black dots of excrement before you spot the fleas themselves. Once the fleas are in your home infestation does not take very long to happen. If you feel uncomfortable about dealing with the issue, you can get some expert help; click here for more information. However, there are steps that you can take to try and resolve the problem yourself.
Start with your pets
Fleas come into your home in the safe and warm environment of your pet’s fur. This is why it makes sense to start by dealing with your pet’s flea problem. You can treat a flea problem in several different ways.
Buy a recommended solution and give your pet a flea bath. This may not be easy if your pet does not want to cooperate.
Rub flea powder into your pet’s coat.
Use a flea collar to repel fleas.
Use flea control tablets. Many owners feel uneasy about using this solution as it involves the use of a type of poison.
No matter what solution you use to rid your pet of fleas, they will see the benefit as they will no longer have the irritation of a coat full of fleas. You can then go on to make sure your home is flea free; seeking help with pest control if you need to.
Use salt on the carpet
This may sound like a strange idea, but spreading very fine salt across your carpet can help to kill fleas that are present. You should leave the salt in place for 24-48 hours, then continue by vacuuming the carpet. You can repeat the process as often as you wish.
Vacuum the floors
Whether you decide to use salt on the carpet or not, it needs to be vacuumed every single day if you have a problem with fleas. This means that you can get rid of live and dead fleas, as well as any eggs that are present. Remember to throw vacuum bags away after use, or thoroughly clean bagless vacuum cleaners after you have finished.
Spread diatomaceous earth after vacuuming
Diatomaceous earth is used for many health benefits. It’s also an excellent natural pest killer. Spread it on carpets after you have vacuumed and it will cause any fleas that are left to dehydrate and die.
Use a steam cleaner
If you want to take further action after you have vacuumed your carpets, you may want to use a steam cleaner. A combination of the heat and water kills off fleas that have been left behind. Remember to vacuum the carpet once it’s dry, to get rid of the dead fleas.
Getting rid of fleas takes time and effort. You need to be patient and vigilant in order to make sure that every last flea has been disposed of.