Whether you’re ready for it or not, it’s time to start considering the best daycare to enroll your child into. Choosing the right daycare is a big decision because as your baby grows, he or she will need consistency between what they learn at home with what they are taught in daycare.
For this reason, if you are a Bible-believing family, it just makes sense to choose a Christian daycare. Let’s look at the five top reasons you should enroll your child in a Christian daycare.
1. Consistent Character
Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he old he shall not turn from it.” Putting your child in a daycare that values the teachings of the Bible will help establish the morals and behavior you are encouraging at home.
Children need consistency. When they observe their daycare providers telling them the same things that they hear at home, it helps solidify the importance of it.
2. Education From a Christian Perspective
While other daycares may teach the correct way to behave to not get in trouble, a Christian daycare will teach your child to be kind and respectful because we are called to love one another because God loved us first.
As your child begins to learn about the world, a Christian daycare will teach them from a Biblical worldview. When your child excitedly points to a rainbow after a storm they will be reminded of God’s covenant with Noah. If you are teaching your child about the natural world using Biblical truths, it’s important they receive consistent teaching at daycare.
3. Learning the Bible
So many children (and adults) are intimidated by the size and complexity of the Holy Bible. A Christian daycare will help your child become more familiar with the Bible by teaching your child from it, helping them memorize Bible verses, and encouraging prayer.
4. Christian Role Models
It’s important to provide your children Christian role models to help them see how the fruit of the Spirit is used in daily life. You and your spouse are your child’s primary role model, followed by their Sunday school teachers (for details about a great children’s program, check out parkwayfellowship.com), and in later life: their teachers.
A Christian daycare is a perfect place for them to consistently see an authority figure acting in love and patience.
5. Living Every Day for God
With its teaching, role models, and values, a Christian daycare is a perfect way to show your child that being a Christian isn’t just about going to church on Sunday. It’s about incorporating your faith into the way you live life through reading your Bible and dedicating time to prayer and worship.
Christian Daycare: Building a Firm Foundation
You can’t make your child accept the Gospel of Jesus, but by choosing a Christian daycare you are setting them up with a solid foundation.
For more parenting advice, check out our family section.