The birth of your first child is something unlike nothing else. From the minute, your wife goes into labor to the moments that you first hold your baby in your arms. It can be confusing knowing what to do. Despite how many baby books you read, nothing can truly prepare you for the moment you become a father.
The whole experience can be incredibly disorienting, so it’s important you have the right tips on hand. Take a look at some of the best pointers for handling life as a new dad.
It’s normal to want to check your baby’s breathing every single second on your baby monitor. It’s normal to be afraid that you might mess things up. However, it’s important that you relax. You’re not doing yourself, your partner, or your baby any favors by panicking all the time.
Believe it or not, babies can feel your energy. Try to be as calm as possible even when the last thing you feel like doing is relaxing. As time goes on, you’ll start to get a better grip on what to do. Embrace the chaos and uncertainty for the time being.
Develop a Routine
One of the best ways to get you and your baby into the swing of things is to develop a routine as early on as possible. Children thrive off of routine, so it’s important that you try to try to establish one as early as you can. Even though it’s important for your baby to have a routine, it’s also important for you.
Having a routine helps you know when you and your partner can eat and when you can expect to be able to sleep. Since things can be so irregular in the beginning, a routine helps you develop some sort of normalcy.
Sleep When The Baby Sleeps
We get it. When your baby is asleep, the last thing you feel like doing is sleeping. You probably want to catch up on all those piles of dishes, laundry and maybe even take a shower. However, sleep deprivation isn’t just uncomfortable; it’s downright dangerous. In order to be the best possible parent that you can be, it’s important that you catch those z’s.
Get as much sleep as you can by taking turns with your partner. You and your partner should take turns offering each other naps. Remember, it won’t last forever. Soon you’ll be sleeping again.
Help With Feedings
Whether you’ve decided to bottle feed or breastfeed, a dad can still help. Your support is incredibly important for your partner throughout the process. If your partner has decided to breastfeed, you can always offer your help by providing a pillow or a glass of water. If you are bottle-feeding, then obviously, you can feed half of the meals.