Many people automatically assume that divorce is as simple as two people no longer loving each other anymore. However, it’s not always so simple. Many of the leading causes of divorce are ones that you’ve never considered before. In most cases, divorce isn’t an amicable split, but rather a long drawn out process.
Here are some of the most common reasons why people who were once happily married end up getting divorced.
Lack Of Compatibility
In many cases, people get married because they genuinely love each other; however, after a while, they start to see that they aren’t compatible. The reality is that love isn’t always enough. In some cases, people find that despite their initial spark, they don’t’ have the same outlook on life.
One of you may be a morning person, while the other is more a night person. The other spouse may love going outdoors while the other is more of a homebody.
Although they may seem like minor differences initially, over the years, they can start to create significant distance between two people.
Compatibility is critical when you make a commitment to spend the rest of your life with someone. Most people are so fixated on an infatuation that they overlook lifestyle choices and personality traits that may become a serious problem later.
Losing Themselves
Getting married is more than declaring your love in front of a crowd of people and wearing a ring. Marriage means giving up your singularity and becoming a dual entity with someone else. As a couple, you will live in the same house, eat the same food, and go to the same places.
For some people, this lifestyle change results in them feeling a loss of identity. They no longer have a sense of individuality and start to feel frustrated with codependency. In order to avoid feeling smothered in a relationship, it’s important to set boundaries from the beginning.
Make a point to maintain your separateness in certain areas of your life. Don’t forget to go out with your own friends once in a while and have your own hobbies. As a result, you’ll avoid feeling “lost” in your couple.
Lack Of Intimacy
Many couples find that as the years progress, they lose their intimacy. They forget how to connect on a physical level. When a couple is no longer capable or willing to be physical, then they are no longer a couple, but rather roommates.
Due to lack of intimacy, they often wind up straying outside of the relationship. When one of the people in the couple or both commit adultery, the relationship is usually doomed from there. Although there is a possibility of moving on after one of the people in a relationship is unfaithful, it is often incredibly difficult. It often requires years of therapy and a considerable amount of commitment.