If you have decided to retire to the beautiful country of Thailand then you have made an excellent decision indeed. You get to experience the famous Thai smile every single day of the week and you’re surrounded by culture and food that is to die for. What many expats forget however is that when leaving their country of origin, they no longer have the protections of a health system and even though Thailand can boast the best hospitals in the world, you might have to put your hand into your life’s savings to get the medical help that you need.
This is why you need health insurance that covers pre existing conditions because once this is in place then most eventualities are covered. You want your new life to be as comfortable as possible and so knowing that any medical eventualities are covered within your policy is peace of mind that we all need every single day. You don’t know what lies ahead for you with regards to your health and you can even be involved in an accident that will involve you going to see a doctor.
Once you have the right kind of health insurance in place, you then get to enjoy the benefits of having it.
- Pick the doctor & hospital – This is something that the vast majority of people don’t get to do and so having the right kind of health insurance in place allows you to pick your medical practitioner and the hospital in which you want to receive your care. This means you don’t have to travel in order to get the assistance that you need and it will allow you to make better health decisions because you don’t have the cost factor hanging over your head.
- It will protect your savings – You might think that you have enough money tucked away to get you through your retirement but you would be surprised at how quickly a bank account can be emptied if you have to pay personally for your health care. Having the right kind of health insurance in place will actually save you money and that is great news indeed.
- You are more informed – When taking out your health insurance policy, make sure that you’re allowed to have regular checkups for at least once a year. With this in place, you always know what’s going on inside your body and so this helps you to keep on top of small health issues that will become more significant ones if you aren’t be able to get your health checked regularly. Your doctor will tell you what changes that you need to make in your life so that you can have better health outcomes.
Now that you know all of these things, it doesn’t make any sense at all to leave home without having comprehensive health insurance in place and especially so if you have pre-existing conditions. Make the right decision today for a better and healthier tomorrow.